Safety and Security

A trusted multi-tenancy solution for ANY organisation looking to improve risk management, increase innovation and make meaningful data-driven decisions.

Affectli for Safety & Security

About the Industry

Client A is a leading service provider of complex security and logistics services for high profiled clients and events across the Globe, and a leading provider of security and logistics services, which represents their core business. They operate throughout the Mediterranean basin, the Middle East, former Soviet Union, Central Asia, Africa, North America and South America and Europe.

They provide products, services and innovative solutions for security and critical infrastructure protection activities, corporate risk management, crisis management and emergency response – all of which are aligned and tailored to the full life cycle of the business needs or objectives.

The multi-sector approach reflects the highly professional and extensive background of their professionals who come from military, police, commercial, logistics, engineering and legal areas.

The Challenge

Client A commissioned Mi-C3 to develop two security APPS within the Affectli Platform for a high profile, security-sensitive event that took place in Italy.

Client A commissioned Mi-C3, to develop two Security APPS within the Affectli Platform in order to showcase the responsive behaviour, collaborative communication and effectiveness of the IoT / Smart Workspace platform at a live, high profile, security-sensitive event.  

This event, which took place in Sicily and had diverse security facets to consider.  These included the security sensitive profile of the attendees, the intensive logistics around the event, as well as various forms of transportation that needed to be monitored across 3 events and resident sites.

The Solution

In past events, Client A manually managed the security process, guarding and foot patrol access, so one facet of the solution design was to bring all these elements together into one collaborative space.

The Affectli Orchestration

Historically, Client A manually managed the security process including guarding and foot patrol access. They required a system that was more efficient by way of monitoring, reporting and tracking security observations in real time in order to mitigate and effectively manage risk and exposure.


  • Enabled the “boots on the ground” to report all observations to the control room using their mobile devices (phones and tablets).
  • Included functionality for the control room to quickly deploy additional security personnel to areas as demarcated in the map of the application, to ensure that the incident was either rendered as minor and resolved, or escalated to  more serious actions, such as in extreme cases, an evacuation.

In addition to being in a position to mitigate risk and have a faster response time, the control room operators were continuously able to:

  • Check the status of the site, 
  • Draw reports instantly on incidents per severity, and 
  • Display these in sunbursts on their screens to get an overall assessment of the status of security, all day, every day, as and when needed.  

The Logistics challenges for Client A were complex and required a solution that would integrate a variety of moving parts into one cohesive system in order to effectively manage executions in real time.

A second LOGISTICS APP was provided on the Affectli platform.

The APP required the integration of Third Party vehicle tracking systems to collect signals that were displayed in real-time within the Affectli MAPS functionality.

The results was a display of complete operational awareness and tracking of all assets on ONE platform, allowing for a more efficient process with regards to managing the complexities of logistics, people and security risks associated with an event of this nature.


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