Utility Management

Utility Management

About the Company

In a world of constant change, Government, Public Services, Regulatory Bodies and Commissions will need to integrate their respective systems to become more intuitive to identify, respond and adapt to new technology opportunities, social changes, and citizens/business needs, as and when they emerge.

By connecting and streamlining data and processes, silos will be broken down, resulting in effective processes and business models that are more efficient.

IoT projects are driven by government policies due to the positive economic, social and environmental impacts that digitisation produces. Organisations need to leapfrog over yesterday’s legacy IT systems to more agile, digital-age models such as cloud computing and cognitive technologies if they are to understand digitisation trends.

With recent efforts to replace paper forms with websites and e-forms overlaid with tools such as rules engines, regulatory reform has often been part of governments’ agenda. By digitising companies, reducing compliance burdens, and enabling economic growth, this digitalization regulates them more effectively, targets risks more effectively, and reduces compliance burdens.

Water & Utilities Industry Challenges

Manual Systems & Disparate Data

Multiple systems & disparate sets of data which rely on time consuming, error prone manual consolidation.

Risk Compliance & KPI Measurements:

Complexities of operational environments that require effective monitoring of:  

  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Cyber Threats
  • Economic Conditions
  • Climate Change
  • Reliance on Third Party Suppliers
Operational Challenges

Reactive maintenance & repairs.

Financial losses due to difficulty managing, tracking & monitoring assets in remote locations.

Reliant on multiple resources & accurate reporting to monitor:

  • Climate change
  • Ageing infrastructure
  • Water scarcity
  • Growing populations
  • Increased demand for water and sewerage services
  • Increased environmental pressures
  • Cybersecurity threats
  • Compliance with current and future regulations
  • Water Quality
  • Labour shortages
  • Geopolitical risks
  • Site Access Management & Security 
  • Power Supply Management
  • Remote Site Automation
  • Site Build & Maintenance Planning & Optimisation
People Inefficiencies

Complexities of the operational environment require multitudes of extra people, leading to reduced efficiencies and increased overheads.

Complexities with Vendor & Third Party Management

Challenges mitigating risk & contract management of tenants, vendors and third parties.

The Affectli Solution

Umbrella Management System
  • Integration of all systems within the Water & Utilities sector into one Operating System. 
  • Monitoring of endpoints (i.e. access control, generators, battery packs, power supply, passive hardware, video streaming, maintenance team, vehicles in the field etc)  on all sites globally delivering real-time data through a “single pane of glass” to any part of the organisation. 
  • Strong permissions and multi-tenancy functionality ensures that the right people get the right information at the right time.
Ability to meet Risk & KPI Measurement criteria:
  • Real-time data immediately detects and alerts of problems.
  • Workflow automation enables improved execution, resulting in improved Regulatory Compliance
Operational efficiencies
  • Digitised processes, GIS tracking and automated workflow processes for optimised Operations and Maintenance Planning, Managing Sites, Access & Security. 
  • Accurate real-time reporting on all aspects of the business, including Demand, Supply and Quality.
  • Ability to make immediate & informed decisions using meticulous data.
  • Instant visibility of all facets of the organisation.
People efficiencies

Improved efficiencies & accountability resulting in reduced resources, reduced overheads and increased profitability.

Multi-tenancy solution

Manage multiple tenants, control access to information and ensure comprehensive, auditable action trail for Risk & Contract Management.

The Affectli Orchestration

By integrating their IoT endpoints and assets, Affectli provided real-time insights into the client’s business using GIS and geo-reporting tools.

With Affectli’s Situational Awareness feature, icons representing client assets change colour when they are faulty or alarms are triggered. In real-time, the status colour changes according to whether the issue has been resolved or escalated.

When alarms are triggered, predefined parameters enable processes to be started automatically or manually. Field service agents are assigned to these jobs by generating work cards/tickets and sending them to the nearest, most qualified field service agent.

Affectli provides contextual collaboration on all tasks as part of its agile support, ensuring the right people receive the right information at the right time and maintaining historical data and audit trails.

By applying calculations to historical data received from signals and alarms, we could predict when reservoirs would run out based on consumption rates.

A parameter was then applied to alert the client three hours before the reservoir would reach critically low levels, providing them with the tools to prevent unnecessary service interruptions or emergency shutdowns. Following this, a summary of all water levels in the reservoirs was published every 2 hours to their mobile devices, giving them a real-time overview of their reservoirs’ water levels.

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