
AFFECTLI is a human-centric technology model that was designed to revolutionise the way businesses operate - designed to support humans in order to make them more efficient in the workplace, and in turn, give them more time with family and loved ones.

Covid Compliant Security & Asset Tracking

3 Minutes Read

A client within the Oil & Gas industry tasked us with implementing a tailor-made Affectli solution for a contactless security process aligned to COVID safety protocols, as well as a digitised process to track and trace the collection and delivery of fuel.

Their existing protocols to manage fuel collection was a process that involved a number of disparate systems including a series of emails, forms that needed to be completed by hand, manual driver verification checks, a lack of visibility once on the premises, as well as the inability to track vehicles in transit or monitor fuel dispensing at delivery points.

The end results are that there is a completely contactless security protocol in place to verify delivery vehicles, drivers and credentials, as well as the ability to effectively monitor and track end-to-end fuel collections and deliveries.

Our first point of call was to connect all hardware, IoT endpoints and systems to Affectli.

We then created profiles of the organisation – including their people and things (assets, customers, suppliers, vendors, etc), as well as applied parent-child relationships and classifications which enables the organisation to customise setting permissions and effectively control access to information.

The next phase of the solution was to digitise all of their processes using the built-in Affectli Designer tool to ensure that these processes could be started in order to disseminate tasks from the Designer APPS, so that the right people get the right information at the right time. Within the digitisation process, clients have the ability to create rules for triggered alarms that can be actioned automatically or manually.

Not only do the digitised processes keep a full history and audit trail, but through the Affectli Designer, our client now has the ability to expand functionality even further by building their own apps and designing custom processes and forms with a simple drag and drop methodology, allowing them to create and immediately implement business processes ranging from business management, problem management, preventative management and service delivery.

Visualisation of related data is possible through the Maps and Situational Awareness feature which allows the client to visually track their entities, assets and people in real-time within a single map interface using GIS and geo-reporting tools.

From the cutting edge Mi-Stream Integration engine that processes data feeds from thousands of sources and IoT Endpoints, Affectli has the ability to collate and assimilate that information, then trigger actions and alarms based on info generated through rules and AI, which is then pushed through to the Events Monitor that provides real-time data that can be filtered according to their preferred view or business objectives. By simply clicking on a record, the Mi-Stream provides a full contextual history relating to that particular task/incident including people, documentation, status, action taken, severity level, to name but a few, with the added ability to trigger a task and dispatch the right teams at the right time, thereby mitigating their exposure and risk.

The A-Box allows for contextual collaboration for a smart workspace solution, as well as provides timeline and calendar views to effectively manage workflow and projects. The Dashboard view for the user creates their optimum working space with personalised widgets and allows for efficient task and incident management.

With the Analytics feature, the client is able to generate an infinite amount of meaningful reports and graphs to analyse production, data and operations. Their reports have been customised to provide real-time information to ensure effective management within the organisation, with the added benefit of being able to toggle and filter displayed information specific to key outputs that can be pivoted and viewed hourly, daily and weekly.

Sunbursts represent and pivot data in real time, as well as provide layers of data that can be filtered by parameters. Trending graphs reflect real-time performance, and guide their Root Cause Analysis. To build their Annual Report, it’s as simple as a BI interface tool that allows you to drag and drop any graph or parameter to create the report.

By implementing an effective Digital Transformation solution like Affectli that is agile and scalable, as well as device and system agnostic, it provides an organisation with smart technology and connected systems that are the very foundation for business efficiency.

To request a demo or a tailored Affectli solution to help make your
organisation more effective,