Machine Learning
Data-centric organisations like these invest in AI because decision making based on accurate data clearly gives a competitive edge.
Data-centric organisations like these invest in AI because decision making based on accurate data clearly gives a competitive edge.
Before Affectli, our multi-million dollar client was reacting to daily crisis management, as opposed to service delivery through a more effective, planned, proactive and controlled approach to their business.
The proverbial lightning in the corporate world is simple. It’s data. More specifically, it’s meaningful data that drives prediction. It’s what helps drive informed business decisions that ultimately reflect on the bottom line.
A completely contactless security protocol to verify delivery vehicles, drivers and credentials, as well as the ability to effectively monitor and track end-to-end fuel collections and deliveries.
The biggest challenges organisations face when managing remote locations is Accountability, Visibility & Security (both physical and digital).
In the face of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and with many countries declaring a State of Emergency, now, more than ever, it demonstrates the importance of building remote working capabilities into business continuity plans.
The principle behind the Human Centric model is that you need to apply empathy to understand the problems people and communities face, then design a solution that serves them.
Now that we are facing a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, our daily routines have summarily been turfed out the window.